Monday, August 22, 2016

Update 24   🏃   |   Racing

update 24  |  07.12.16
Hi Everyone!

This week's update will be super short ... we've been busy and there hasn't been much time for writing. We have gone from a family of 5, to 4, to 6! My cousins, Katie Fuller & Krissy Hires, arrived 2 days ago for a week-long visit and to help Olivia fly back home at the end of this week. It is so fun to spend some days with them and show them around our new home (and a huge shoutout to my Aunt & Uncle, Steve & Nancy Allsup, for their generosity to make it possible for them to come).

Here are a couple photos ....

How does a family celebrate July 4th on the other side of the world? A burger for lunch, and S'mores with roasted marshmallows over our open-flame stove with chopsticks. We didn't see anyone else recognizing US Independence Day, but we still had fun!

We had the privilege of meeting David Lai (in the blue shirt). David is the first fully blind student ever to be admitted to China's Central Conservatory of Music. (the same place Ali studied violin) He is an incredible classical pianist, and amazingly, he became a Christian a few years ago. His father (behind him) spoke no English. David taught himself the English language by listening to recordings so he could build his faith, since his parents do not approve. We were able to introduce him to some Christian musicians in our area so he can hopefully find community and a place to use his musical skills to glorify God.

I had an opportunity to serve in an "underground" church for the first time since arriving in Beijing. Some of our American friends will recognize the guy in the lower photo (although these emails are private, I'm leaving names out for safety). This church is not technically a government registered church, but they have been given some measure of freedom, and the ministry has grown to serve hundreds of people from their facility in an office building. I got to spend a couple hours with their singers and musicians, encouraging them and offering some ideas. What a joy to see these faithful people serving the Lord.

It's super fun to show our cousins around Beijing. Since both of them are worship leaders, they got to participate in the service with us and the worship team at Haidian Church, and we get to show them all our favorite places to hang out in China. 

We miss you all and look forward to seeing you soon ... we come home in 3 weeks. We continue to pray for everyone at home, and there will be much to catch up on in the month of August.

Have a great week-
Brent, Kim, Olivia, and Jake (with Katie & Krissy)

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