Monday, August 22, 2016

Update 22   🎉   |   Farewell #1

update 22  |  06.27.16
Hi Everybody!

In comparison with the past month, this last week was among the quieter ones we've had in Beijing recently ... And the finish line of this mission adventure is coming into view. In fact, we welcomed my parents Bill and Debi Mills back to China on Saturday for a second visit, and they will return to the US and take Ali with them at the end of the week. She is heading back to take part in high school camp at Beaverton Foursquare church. Although she is excited to go home and see friends, we all have mixed emotions as we look toward the end of our time in China. We have built friendships at a depth and pace that would be unimaginable if not for the bonds we have with fellow believers in Jesus here. There will forever be a piece of our hearts in China.

A few photos of the week ...

Olivia was asked to share the devotion at worship team rehearsal this week ... she did a great job as a teenager sharing with a group of adults! The team was encouraged and thankful for her.

Our friend Lulu (one of the worship leaders at the church) has joined us in our love of Mexican food! Kim made some seriously good burritos and homemade guacamole - not an easy task with the limited selection in the Chinese grocery stores. Yum!

The air filter on the right is new, and the one on the left looked like it a few months ago. Our air filtration machine is an absolute necessity in China.

Since Ali is leaving this week, the worship team had a farewell party for about a dozen team members who will finish their service in the next few weeks. We had a great time of food, fun, sharing, and some worship (all are singing in this photo). The testimonies were rich of what God has done as these folks have served together.

Many shared stories and memories at the farewell party, including Jake! (he even brought his "Boppy" up on stage with him to help - it was an honor for us to introduce my parents to our Haidian Church family)

Monday evening was a "family reunion" of sorts. There are 3 Chinese pastors in this photo (Gloria, Luis, and Rachel), and they lived and served with us in Beaverton for a term 3 years ago. We hosted them in Oregon for Thanksgiving dinner in 2012, and tonight, they returned the favor, and we enjoyed a traditional Chinese meal together. It was also great to see their families growing! (the boy on Debi's lap is Luis' son, the girl on Bill's lap is Rachel's daughter, Gloria has a baby boy who was asleep at the time, and Rachel is expecting baby #2!)

We will send Ali home this coming Saturday, so please come and say hi to her if you're around Beaverton Foursquare Church. We miss you all and continue to be thankful for your support and prayers. Have a good week!

Brent, Kim, Ali, Olivia, and Jake

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