Monday, August 22, 2016

Update 23   ✈   |   Ali

update 23  |  07.03.16
Happy July!

We are heading into the final month of our mission in Beijing. Ali gets to headline this week's update, since she will be back in America by the time you read this. She came home early to attend High School Camp at Beaverton Foursquare Church and take a birthday celebration trip with some friends.

We have learned that deadlines (such as my parents one week visit or Ali's departure) create urgency, and urgency creates opportunities for extended farewell meals. Nearly every day this past week was filled with lunches, photos, dinners, photos, a little sightseeing, photos ... China is the land of photos!

Speaking of photos ....

We took my parents to visit the Summer Palace in Beijing. While this is among the most beautiful places to visit here in China, the term "summer" is now completely appropriate. The heat, humidity, and smoggy air hit you full force most days. Sightseeing trips are best enjoyed in small doses this time of year.

This was taken while walking around the Summer Palace. So much about life in China is summed up in this photo ...

The two guys on the right side of the top photo have become trusted friends of our family. Sam & Hai serve the Lord, own a successful piano business, and have been a huge blessing to us. Jake & Alfred (Sam's son) have become friends also, and they primarily communicate through the international language of iPhone games.

Ali got to have one final farewell with her violin teacher, Mr. Gao Can. His genuine interest and care for her was remarkable - we will miss him for sure. And ... how many US high school musicians have a letter of recommendation from a professor at China's top music school in their portfolio?)

Ali and my parents nearly missed the world record for largest number of suitcases crammed in and around 3 passengers in a car headed to Beijing airport.

Haidian Church asked me to speak this weekend on 1 Peter 3, dealing with the roles of men and women in relationships. It was a good challenge to study and share on this topic, recognizing my limited perspective on marriage as an American who has only lived in China for 5 months.

Although there were a few tears when Ali headed to the airport with "Nanny & Boppy", we are doing well and excited for the final 4 weeks of this mission. We get to welcome my cousins, Katie Fuller & Krissy Hires, this coming week for their first visit to China. If we could only improve our language skills, we could have futures as tour guides! (and we are SO far from mastering the Chinese language)

We enjoyed seeing photos and reports from the Beaverton Foursquare Church soccer camp this past week. It is one of our favorite weeks each year to serve as a family. Although we participated in a great soccer camp here in China, we missed you all. 

Have a good week ahead and an enjoyable (and hopefully safe) 4th of July celebration. We'll probably look for a somewhat authentic hamburger or something else American tomorrow!

See you in a month,
Brent, Kim, Olivia, and Jake

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