Monday, August 22, 2016

Update 12   πŸŽ“  |  Genius

update 12  |  04.17.16
Hello Everybody:

This week's update is short ... now that we're back in China and digging into work and ministry, we haven't found quite as events worthy of photos and videos. Our time here in Beijing is divided into three segments of two months each, and we knew this middle segment (April-May) would be when most of the heavy lifting takes place. There are many meetings to be had in the coming weeks, training Chinese leaders and releasing them to take leadership in the church. Ali is taking final exams for some of her online courses, and we are all doing a lot of music practice in preparation for several concerts we get to perform in late May & June.

We have a prayer request that I really covet your prayers about. When we came on assignment from Beaverton Foursquare Church, we brought with us an Aviom in-ear stage monitor system as a gift for the musicians of Haidian Church. (for the non-musicians in the audience, think of the little earbuds you see rockstars wearing to hear their music on stage). After weeks of work, the system is installed and partially functioning, but we have run into a critical problem that we cannot overcome with the equipment we currently have in Beijing. It will likely require exchanging a piece of equipment from a retailer in the US, and that means having to clear Chinese customs with a high value item. As you might remember from earlier updates, customs was less than speedy in clearing the keyboard we shipped in February. We need God to intervene and make a way for us to get the needed equipment safely and economically into China. Please pray for wisdom and favor so this can happen!

We have just a few photos to tell the story of the past week:

We got beautiful weather today! The air quality in Beijing is really not as bad as advertised (we've had to wear masks around 10 days out of the 70 we've been here) There is a lot of sunshine in this area, and we enjoy as many days outside as we can!

Beaverton Foursquare people may remember Pastor Gloria Li, who lived and served with us a couple years ago. She has left her position at Haidian Church to be home with her son full-time, and she is doing great.

Ali recorded a video interview for her friends at Westside Christian High School, and the school showed it in chapel this week. (gotta love the low budget video studio in the windowsill of our master bedroom)

Best cultural experience of the week: one of the worship leaders from Haidian Church (back left) teaches English to Junior Highers, and she invited our family to join her class one evening. These kids are amazing - one girl makes videos after teaching herself to use Adobe AfterEffects (in English), and one of the guys gave us a college-level Biology presentation, in addition to sharing that he is now learning French, his 3rd language (he's already mastered Chinese & English by the age of 14).

This 12 year-old boy is teaching Jake to play a Pac-Man like game he programmed himself. As we were leaving the class, Kim said to our kids, "I'm glad you got to meet those kids tonight. They will be your bosses someday!"

I finish with this photo that Kim snapped during worship rehearsal this morning at church. Although we are busy with many tasks on this mission, we are a family first and foremost. The days have not always been easy, but we are doing our best to keep our eyes on Jesus. He is the author and finisher of our faith, and whether we know the results of our service here, or we wait and trust God for His outcomes beyond what we can see, it is worth it. 

Have a great week ... we miss you and look forward to seeing you in a few months!
Brent, Kim, Ali, Olivia, and Jake 

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