Monday, August 22, 2016

Update 16  ⛪  |  Progress

update 16  |  05.16.16
Hi Friends & Family!

This week was a very busy one here in Beijing ... we continue to have many different kinds of ministry opportunities to participate in as a family, and we're doing the best we can to serve each group well. Unfortunately, we were busy serving and not taking many photos!

These shots were taken at a gathering of singles we were asked to speak to this past Saturday. What a joy to sit with 35 young adults who are seeking to follow Jesus in this season of their lives. We planned the afternoon to be a discussion and not a lecture, and we were thrilled to hear their stories and interact with each other. A huge thanks to our friend Michelle Watson in Oregon who made a short video about her story of living a joyful life as a single adult - they loved hearing from her!

We also had the privilege of assisting the church here in the creation of a new position on their staff. As far as we know, no Three-Self Christian Church in China has ever had the position of "worship leader" as a full-time role, but we got to be part of advising the church in the hiring of a gifted and gracious young lady to become the overseer of English-language worship. She gets to start into this new role while we are still here for a couple months so we can work together and encourage her. We are excited to see that God is preparing strong leadership to continue the good work after we return home.

We also are watching leaders grow up and take ownership of the soccer outreach camp, which is less than a month away. One year ago, we brought the idea of this outreach camp to China, and our American coaches ran most of the activities. This year, we are challenging the local leaders and volunteers to personalize the camp and put their hearts into it. Please continue to pray with us that God will bring kids to participate in the camp, since promotion of the event happens 100% in Chinese and we cannot help with that at all!

Much of the rest of our week has been consumed with many hours of practice for the concerts that are fast approaching. The church created a cool online commercial for their May 27 performance, but it only plays through the WeChat social media app. If you have the app, check out my profile and you can watch it. There are some talented folks at the church, and we are hoping this event will be a great outreach to unsaved people in the community. Here are a couple screen shots from the social media ad they created:

Thanks for your notes, prayers, and support of our family as we continue on this adventure. Each week surprises us with new challenges and opportunities, and God has been continuously faithful to provide what we need and keep us safe. 

Have a good week!
Brent, Kim, Ali, Olivia, and Jake

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